5 Tricks to Get More Local Leads

AttractaLocal SEO

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5 Tricks To Reach More Local Customers

Is your business is not necessarily looking to take on the world, but just wanting to reach more customers that are near you? Well, there are some specific things that you can do in order to help improve your local visibility online.

So what do I mean when I’m talking about “Local Visibility“? Well, this mainly means popping up higher on Google Places or Maps when people searches for your type of business when they are near you. This is what’s called Google’s “Snack Pack”.

The good thing about Local SEO is that it not only will help increase search engine rankings, but it will also help convert more traffic into customers/generate more leads.

***If you are wanting to rank in Google Places, you HAVE to set up a Google My Business account with your address***

1)Make Your Contact Information Visible

Make sure that your business’s contact information is visible on EVERY PAGE of your website, preferably in the footer.

Not only will this help to increase search engine rankings, but it will also convert more traffic into customers. Someone will be much more likely to give you a call if they don’t have to click around and search all over for your phone number.

This Blog Post is a great detailed list of how to build an effective “footer” for your website.

2)Get Entered In Local Directory Listings

This is one of the most important factors for rankings locally. If you haven’t already, make sure that your business is registered on Google My Business and with Google Maps. This is the first step building the online authority of your business address.

Once you have a Google Business account, you now need to promote your location on that map so that Google knows you are legitimate!

What is a Local Directory Listing?

A Local Directory Listing is any website where you register your business’s Name, Address, Phone Number (N.A.P.), and any other import contact information.

These listings help to boost the overall authority of your location.

3)Have Customers Review Your Business

This is another trick that will not only help to increase your rankings, but it will naturally help bring you more customers as well.

These positive reviews will help the search engines trust your website more, which will then lead to higher rankings.

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4)N.A.P. Consistency

This one is extremely important if your business has ever moved locations or changed phone numbers.

N.A.P. stands for: Name, Address, Phone Number

It is extremely important that this information is the same throughout all of your directory listings, website, and social media citations. If they aren’t, Google and the other search engines will get confused.

5)Be Mobile Friendly!

The majority of Localized searches are done from mobile phones, so it is important that your website is mobile friendly! This means that your site is responsive to the device it is being active from.

The mobile friendliness of your website is a factor when the search engines are deciding who should rank in the local results.

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Attracta’s Local SEO

If you’re needing more help with your Local SEO campaign, check out our Local SEO page!