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StarkLinnemann Logo StarkLinnemann is the driving force behind many projects with all thinkable styles and line-ups in (jazz) music. StarkLinnemann works as an accompany-group for famous jazz musicians and makes a strong statement as a trio as well. Since the formation of the piano trio in January 2012, StarkLinnemann is developing very fast and will soon be the new sound in the European jazz scene. StarkLinnemann Trio, StarkLinnemann Quintet, StarkLinnemann plays Chopin, Paul Stark, Jonas Linnemann Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name StarkLinnemann
Phone +31 0618098731
Address West-Kruiskade30a
Rotterdam ,Zuid-Holland 3014 AJ NL
Toll free 0618098731
Main Contact StarkLinnemann
Fax 0618098731