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Restaurant Mamma Mias Logo Take your time, escape your daily routine for a moment and “travel” through our offers. Restaurant Mamma Mias is set up in a affluent residential area within the town of Eldoret, with tranquil surroundings and green gardens. We offer total privacy in a homely atmosphere. At the quiet magnificent and save area of Elgon View, Mamma Mia's offers enough space for gourmets, businessmen, romantics and families. With a very atmospheric restaurant area (about 50 seats), an ambient bar area (about 30 Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Restaurant Mamma Mias
Phone +254 731363737
Address Ramogi Drive, Elgon View
Eldoret ,Uasin Gishu 30100 KE
Toll free
Main Contact Restaurant Mamma Mias