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Maghreb24 Television Inc. Logo Maghreb24 Television Inc. is a Canadian development stage Media Company based in Calgary (Alberta), Canada. The company has launched its IPTV Channels during March 2013, named « Maghreb 24 TV» ( and its Entertainment channel « M24 TV Entertainment » which has started,on December, 1st 2013, broadcasting on Nilesat (Frequency: 11602 / Polarization: horizontal / SR: 27500 ). On May 8th 2013, M24 has achieved a listing on the GXG Markets (GXG First Quote) in Co Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Maghreb24 Television Inc.
Phone 001 403 279 16
Address Suite 700, 160 Quarry Park Blv
Calgary ,AB AB T2C 3 CA
Toll free 001 403 279 160
Main Contact Maghreb24 Television Inc.
Fax 001 403 724 009