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Sangam Resort Logo Sangam Resort is situated along Dângrêk Mountains where the air is fresh. Sangam Resort provide leisure facilities such as Swimming pool, Spa Massage, Hair Salon, Casino gaming floor, VIP gaming, Slot Machine game, Poker games. We have conference room available. Restaurants serving Khmer, Thai, Chinese, Japanese and European style food are available. With 200 hotel rooms, we focus on provide top quality hospitality service to our customer. It is 1:30 hour drive from Famed Angkor Wat Temple. Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Sangam Resort
Phone +855-97 8039 33
Address Street #67, Choeung Phnom
Anlong Veng ,Oddor Meanchey 855 KH
Toll free +66-87 7667 222
Main Contact Sangam Resort