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Saffron Ikebukuro-The Indian RestroBar Logo Our concept is not only to serve Indian Cuisine but to make you aware of India and its heritage, culture, economy, politics, philosophy, education etc. Our concept is to make you immune within your body by the Indian spices, herbs and fresh ingredients straight from India so that your body can fight against some critical diseases like Cancer, Alzheimer, Asthma etc. as most of the Indian spices & herbs have medicinal value. Eating fresh Indian food once a week enriches your beauty, brain & immuni Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Saffron Ikebukuro-The Indian RestroBar
Phone 03-5952-5676
Address Higashi Ikebukuro 1-28-1-201
Toshima-Ku ,Tokyo 170-0013 JP
Toll free
Main Contact Saffron Ikebukuro-The Indian RestroBar
Fax 03-5952-5676