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Sheeva Rum Co., Ltd Logo SHEEVA RUM is #1-manufactured Rum of Thailand. SHEEVAWOP RUM – “RUM THAT BREAKS FROM THE TRADITIONAL RUM FASHION” SHEEVA RUM – “RICH IN TASTE-CLASSIC IN STYLE-SMOOTH AS SILK” SHEEVAWOP RUM or SHEEVA RUM as it is also referred to breaks from the traditional rum styles and fashion in that the base is not Sugar or Molasses it is “RICE”. SHEEVA is made in the traditional manor however it uses RICE as the base ingredient this offers a totally unique taste and it is this uniqueness which allows it t Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Sheeva Rum Co., Ltd
Phone 66832227112
Address Pattanasiri Village 54/97 Moo-
Bangkok ,Bangkok 10510 TH
Toll free
Main Contact Sheeva Rum Co., Ltd