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A review/opinion site for games,movies,music,and comics. All made by lovers of the medium for lovers of the medium. Logo

More info » has the biggest collection of scary maze games to prank on your friends.

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Scary Movie Mania is a horror movie review website that also sells dvds, and movie posters. Logo

More info » is the Capital Regions go to resource for all things paranormal. We feature content focused on the spiritual arts, haunted tours, attractions, and paranormal investigations. We also feature listings for service providers in the region offering related services.

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Horror show program mixing scary movie presentation with short horror clips and live streaming on location from spooky and creepy places. New format to the old late night horror show programs. Logo

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ScavengerWorks is a multimedia website that focuses on the macabre. We have many facets that cater to many different interests; everything from videos, comics, and short stories, to photography with touches of style, beauty, horror, and comedy. Logo

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We specialize in horror and the macabre. From pin up style photography, short stories and a horror based comedy comic, we have a broad range of media to showcase. Zombie girls are our biggest draw, and the ongoing comic Girls of the Dead is drawing new fans every day. Logo

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Avenue Fever Club and cafe in the middle of Cluj-Napoca city. Great music and parties, fantasy drinks and many more...

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Alege sa faci performanta in videochat cu AWE Studio si sa iti indeplinesti cele mai indraznete visuri pe plan financiar! De ce AWE Studio? Pentru ca avem 14 ani experienta in domeniu, cunoastem dorintele modelelor , precum si cerintele site-urilor de videochat pentru a te ajuta sa incasezi sume colosale din videochat,pentru ca suntem localizati in centrul Bucurestiului, mai exact Piata Unirii si multe alte beneficii pe care le vei afla sunandu-ne si programand un interviu!

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Societatea noastra a fost infintata in 2001 pentru a veni in intampinarea persoanelor si societatiilor care doreau sa isi umbreasca incaperiile de soare si sa adauge un plus de stil si eleganta mediului unde isi desfasoara activitatiile cotidiene. Cu o experienta de 10 ani pe piata am reusit sa statisfacem atat persoane fizice cat si juritice si acum dorim sa ne extindem pentru a reusii sa venit in intampinarea cat mai multor persoane din intreaga tara pentru a le amenaja incaperile si a le feri