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Website presenting information and offering services to parents and children

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Orienteering is a family of sports that requires navigational skills using a map and compass to navigate from point to point in diverse and usually unfamiliar terrain, and normally moving at speed. Participants are given a topographical map, usually a specially prepared orienteering map, which they use to find control points.[1] Originally a training exercise in land navigation for military officers, orienteering has developed many variations. Among these, the oldest and the most popular is foot

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Providing advice and information on hotels, restaurants, and entertainment in San Francisco. Also showcasing videos, photographs and ambient audio from around the city. Logo

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CONduit is an annual science fiction, fantasy, and horror convention held in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is the longest-running and largest general science fiction convention in Utah. We have an art show and a dealers room open to the public, as well as several hundred hours of panels, presentations, workshops, movies, book signings, and events. Held over Memorial Day weekend every year.

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so many latest messages, collection of messages

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Science Fiction and Fantasy Community with News, Reviews, Forums and discussion. Logo

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Serving the goth and industrial community of the San Francisco Bay Area, from Sacramento to San Jose, by providing a compiled listing of clubs, events, concerts, and shows of a gothic persuasion. Logo

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Official ticket sales for South Florida Friends of Classical Music: Miami Chamber Players, Miami World Music Festival, and other events. Logo

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A non-profit organization, official sponsor of The Miami International Music Academy, The Miami World Music Festival, The Miami Chamber Players & The Teresa CarreƱo International Master Piano Competition.