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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possibilities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins. Logo

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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possibilities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins. Logo

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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possibilities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins. Logo

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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possibilities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins. Logo

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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possiblities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins.. Logo

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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possiblities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins.. Logo

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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possibilities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins. Logo

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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possiblities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins.. Logo

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The evolution has begun. Transcending the two-dimensional world of the flat pick, the Sik Pik moves into a new dimension of sound, dynamics, and feel. Here in the golden age of the guitar, it is time for a change. A change that allows the player to be more expressive, with less effort, more fluid with a better sound. A sound that begins round and beautiful. A sound that begins with tremendous dynamic possiblities. The Sik Pik is to the guitar what the bow is to the violin. And so it begins..

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Music artist/producer with music in multiple genres. Enjoy rap, reggae, edm, and classical music from this artist.