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Solid Brass is a brass ensemble based in Portland, Oregon. Formed in 1981, the group performs music from all time periods, from Bach to modern movie scores. A core value of Solid Brass PDX is to promote local charities, often by donating all concert proceeds to a featured charity. Logo

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Find your favorite Solid Gold TV moments on You'll see videos of the Solid Gold Dancers, Special Guest Artists, all the Hosts and Comedian Marty Cohen, or "Partyin' Marty Hearty" as he was known on Solid Gold.

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Entertainment Gists, Celebrity Gist, News, Viral Stories, Star Gists and More

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Start a casino with this amazing brandable site.

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Solid Sevens is a Review website of movies, Los Angeles night life, dating, and anything fun! Logo

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Solid State Designs is a full service, results oriented production management and design company.We specialize in corporate theatre, special engagements and entertainment. With over 19 years experience, Solid State Designs can be your one stop shop to get your production rolling. We can start from concept or step in during the final phases of production. Solid State Designs is able help you with a little or a lot of your production needs. Logo

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Solid State Pictures is a creative design and video production house which provides high quality, cost-effective videography, graphic design & post-production services. We specialize in the production of artist demos, music videos, and short documentaries. Logo

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Solidus Gaming is a Video Game & Tech news and reviews website. Stay up to date with current Game Industry News, Articles and Reviews.

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Unlimited music, video, news update Nigerian music video, American music video and more