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Sophisticated Swing Hand Dance Academy of Stafford, Virginia. The Dance Academy where one will learn the African American Dance Culture known as DC Hand Dance or DC Hand Dancing or DC Hand Dancin’.

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A photography studio producing producing images challenging the norms of fashion. Specializing in erotic and fetish video and photography. Logo

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Welcome to Sophisti-Scraps, where sophistication shines on your digital designs! We have a wide array of products including Scrap Kits, Commercial Use, 3D Imaging, Designer Resources, Zen Cart Modules and more!

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This is a gossip and informative site, disccusion platform. Logo

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"Pin" images, videos, to your pinboard and share your content using social networking features Logo

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স্বপ্নযাত্রা একটি উন্মুক্ত ব্লগ। এখানে আমরা আমাদের শ্লোগান রেখেছি “সুপ্ত জ্ঞানকে, ক্ষিপ্র করি” অর্থাৎ এখানে আপনার প্রতিভা মেলে ধরার অনেক সুযোগ রয়েছে। তথ্য প্রযুক্তির নানান দিক বিশেষ করে কম্পিউটার টিপস সহ সফটওয়্যার শেয়ার, ইন্টারনেট, মোবাইল ও গল্প, কবিতা, প্রবন্ধ, ছড়া, রম্যরস, কার্টুন, এখানে আপনি লিখতে ও পড়তে পারবেন। Logo

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Só podia é o seu site de entretenimento, onde encontrará os seus vídeos de humor, os melhores fails, os melhores golos e os trailers da atualidade. Logo

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My Company is a Public relations outfit that is also into creative writing and social media management...The company runs BroadstreetNG as well

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Waldo Geuns, pianist - musicologist - philosopher Logo

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We provide a wide range of custom audio marketing solutions for all kinds of businesses. We can put just about anything into an audio file for you! Commercial Scriptwriting; Radio Advertising & Station Imaging; Voice Over and Audio Production for TV, Internet, Video Games, and other visual media; Voice Mail Recordings and On-Hold Advertising; Narration for Audiobooks, Corporate Videos, and Documentaries; Custom Music Mixing for Presentations and Performances.