Attracta Blitz
High Domain Authority Links For That Extra Rankings Boost You Need!
What is Attracta Blitz?
Attracta Blitz is the number #1 way to get strong permanent homepage links backing up your website. Since Attracta is the world’s largest SEO company, we have developed close relationships with site owners in almost every niche. With the Blitz packages, we manually contact these sites to place your links on their sidebars.

High Authority, Home Page Links

Ensuring Powerful Links
Having a link to your website placed on the homepage tool bar of a high DA page is extremely beneficial for your rankings. It shows search engines that powerful websites trust your page enough to put you on their homepage for everyone to see. We also categorize your links based on your niche, so it is relevant to your site.
How It Works
Step 1.
Give us your URL, keywords, and any special instructions you may have.
Step 2.
Sit back and relax while we manually contact publishers and get your links placed
Step 3
Within 7 days, we will deliver you a report on all of your high authority links.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do all the links have to be for the same domain/niche?
No. With Attracta Blitz you can target multiple domains and niche’s.
What is the average DA for Blitz packages?
Average site is between DA 20-30, however we guarantee DA 15 for every project
How many sites do you have relationships with?
We currently have relationships with 15,000+ site owners for high DA link building purposes. This allows us to find the best sites for your links.
Do you have links for my niche?
Yes. Because we work with so many sites we have access to every niche. If by some chance we don’t have specifically what you’re looking for, we will let you know.